Want Better Manhood Health? Try Some Afterplay

As part of their new year’s resolutions, many men promise they will find ways to have even better sensual activity and manhood health than they had in the previous year (or years). To which one can only say, “Hear, hear!” Desiring better sensual activity and being willing to take steps to attain it is a laudable goal (and one that pays off in even better manhood health, as a bonus). So while drawing up the roadmap to better sensual activity, a man might want to look into an area that is too often ignored: afterplay.


As the name suggests, afterplay is the opposite of pre-coupling play. Whereas pre-coupling play involves a range of activities prior to penetration (or whatever marker one uses to officially demarcate the beginning of a sensual experience), afterplay is concerned with the intimacies that occur after the sensual experience has reached its peak.

It’s a stereotype that men and women behave differently “post-coupling,” but as with all stereotypes there is some truth in it. The “traditional” view is that when men roll out of their sensual experience, they’re interested in sleeping or moving on to something else. Women, for their part, are presumed to want to cuddle or continue to behave in an intimate manner.

Clearly, there are many men who are happy to snuggle up with their partner after pleasure and to continue to stroke their hair and engage in kissing and talking. And there are some women who are ready to say onward and upward as soon as the sensual mood is over. But many people do fall into the traditional roles.

Make an effort

A man who tends to want to drift off to sleep or see if he can catch the last ten minutes of the football game after intimacy is advised to concentrate instead on making the most of afterplay. There are several reasons for this:

• It shows respect. Women tend to need a little more time to “come down” after a sensual experience. By engaging in some tender afterplay, a man demonstrates that he respects his partner’s needs and is happy to fulfill them. This makes the partner feel more accepted and also makes them look forward to coupling even more in the future – and the attitude with which they approach coupling can lead to better sensual activity for both.

• It promotes sharing. The physical aspects of coupling are fantastic, but the overall experience is made even better when there is a deeper sharing between two people. Sharing thoughts and feelings after sensual activity, or even just being together in a bonded way, deepens the relationship which in turn makes coupling even better in the future.

• It may lead to a second round. Although the goal of afterplay is simply to enjoy each other’s presence, often afterplay “revs things up” so that a second course of intimate action occurs.

Exactly what constitutes afterplay will vary from couple to couple. For some, simply being next to each other and sharing sweet words may constitute afterplay. For others, stroking, caressing, hugging or kissing may be involved. There are no hard and fast rules.

Regular afterplay tends to lead to better sensual activity for most couples – and that sensual activity is made even better if the man’s member is in tip-top shape. Maintaining manhood health is made easier by the consistent use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, locate a crème that contains both acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. The former is an amino acid that helps prevent peripheral nerve damage from rough or frequent sensual activity, which can lead to a loss of sensation in the manhood. The latter is a potent antioxidant that battles the free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress and male organ tissue damage. The two ingredients behave synergistically, so if one crème contains both, it improves the impact of each – leading to even better manhood health.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Detailed Introduction to the Four Effects of Probiotics

Probiotics, in simple terms, are a group of microorganisms that can effectively promote human health. They can resist gastric acid and bile acid, and can attach and colonize in the intestinal tract. According to statistics, the human gastrointestinal tract contains a rich and diverse microbial community, gathering more than 100 trillion microorganisms. These microbiomes encode more than 3 million genes (the human genome is composed of approximately 23,000 genes) and produce thousands of metabolites. 80% of immune cells are distributed here, which has a decisive influence on metabolism and immune function.

These intestinal microbiota play an important role in maintaining the stability of the intestinal environment, including: nutrient metabolism, vitamin K and vitamin B12 synthesis, metabolism of exogenous organisms, and prevention of pathological biological invasion and maintenance of barriers.

Help to lose weight
Obesity can be attributed to the imbalance between energy expenditure and energy intake and has become a major public health problem because it is related to type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and other metabolic diseases.

Although exogenous factors, such as excessive calorie intake and sedentary lifestyle, are the main factors leading to obesity. But endogenous factors, such as specific genetic mutations, may make some people more prone to obesity.

It is possible that probiotics help lose weight, but due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, further verification is needed to confirm the efficacy of the strain, the amount of administration, and the time of intervention.

Probiotics improve sleep quality

Gut and brain communicate with each other via the gut-brain axis, a specific pathway that involves the neural, endocrine, and immune systems. The intestinal microbiota plays a crucial role in this bidirectional communication since it can influence mood and cognitive functions by producing neurotransmitter precursors that reach the brain through the endocrine and the autonomic nervous systems where they regulate the level of specific neurotransmitters. Improving the gut microbiota could improve the quality of sleep, as the gut bacteria also produce melatonin that the brain uses to regulate sleep.

It has been found that that probiotics support sleep quality and reduce the number of episodes of wakefulness in individuals suffering from sleep alterations and/or insomnia and, specifically, induce a more mature sleep pattern in infants and young children.

Good for vaginal infections
A vaginal infection is defined as any condition with abnormal vaginal discharge, smell, irritation, itching, or burning. Common causes are bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

Among them, bacterial vaginal infection and vulvovaginal candidiasis are the most common, which are estimated to occur in 5% to 70% of women. Without treatment, bacterial vaginal infections are a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage in the second trimester, spontaneous preterm delivery, and post-cesarean endometritis. Studies have shown that, compared with the use of traditional drugs alone, probiotics for women combined with drugs can reduce the recurrence rate and increase the cure rate in a short period of time.

Beneficial blood pressure regulation
Like smoking, diabetes, and dyslipidemia, high blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. About 30% of deaths worldwide are caused by cardiovascular disease. In most countries, 15% to 30% of adults and more than 50% of the elderly suffer from hypertension, which is also a serious public health problem.

Daily consumption of probiotics can help improve blood pressure. The underlying mechanism may be related to the improvement of blood cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, and regulating the renin-angiotensin system of probiotics

BRC Global Standard Certification

A Single Level of Certification

The BRC Global Standards scheme operates at a single level of certification for quality and safety and provides clarity for producers and customers. When first introduced, the BRC Scheme operated at “Foundation” and “Higher Level” to accommodate producers at different levels of quality and safety standards. Feedback suggested that this created confusion and varied interpretation among producers and certification bodies and the principle was difficult to explain to potential customers. The current single level of certification reduces this confusion and provides greater clarity for producers and their customers.

A Single Annual Audit

Based upon performance, the BRC Global Standards scheme generally requires a single annual audit. An additional 6 monthly audit is only required if the non-conformities at an audit exceed a certain level. This provides an incentive for producers to conduct an effective pre assessment and have the standards in place to enable them to perform well at audit, freeing resources to manage the business more effectively.

Focus on Management Commitment and HACCP

The BRC Standard places a heavy emphasis on Management Commitment and a detailed approach to HACCP as the cornerstones of an effective Product Quality and Safety Management System. Feedback from BRC’s international network of food experts and discussions with CEO’s of BRC Certificated companies consistently identify these as the major components in a well managed quality and safety focused company.

Detailed Requirements Aid Consistent Interpretation

The “Requirements” in the BRC Global Standard are documented to a high level of detail. This is designed to promote consistent interpretation of the Standard by auditors and implementation by producers, thereby enhancing confidence in the certification process.

Fundamental Requirements Drive Sustainable Standards

The BRC Global Standard identifies 10 Fundamental Requirements that are crucial to a sustainable Quality and Safety Management System; they help ensure the necessary practices are in place to help maintain standards of operation between audits.

Issue 4 Incorporates the Latest Thinking in Food Quality and Safety

Based on feedback from the international community, Issue 4 of the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and packaging materials, Food Safety contains enhanced sections on issues of interest and concern to producers and their customers such as Allergen Management, Site Security, and Foreign Body Management. The Standard has also incorporated sections on Product Design and Customer Focus to help ensure safety is built into the New Product Development process and that the food safety and quality system is constantly reviewed in line with customer needs.

A Framework for Global Supply Chains

The BRC operates a Global Network of over 80 Certification Bodies operating in 90 countries. The availability of the Standard in 14 languages assists food businesses to implement the Standard throughout their global production facilities and relevant international supply chains.

Unannounced Audits

Audits of producers against the BRC Global Standard are normally announced – in that a date for the audit is agreed in advance between the Certification Body and the producer. For the first time, Issue 5 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety provides the option for those producers who are sufficiently confident in their food quality and safety systems to elect for unannounced audits in agreement with their appointed Certification Body. This is entirely at the request of the producer but would not normally be undertaken until the producer has a good track record of performance with announced pre-arranged audits.