Constipation is a general health problem which happens when bowel movements become slow. Improper colon functions, effect of certain medications, low fiber diet and hormone disorders are the most common reasons for causing constipation. Sometimes stools formed are so hard that they stuck inside intestinal walls and colon. This not only blocks way for bowel movements but also causes formation of toxic gases inside body. The problem of hard stools can happen in any age. There are certain foods that affect muscles in intestinal walls and upset the process of formation of stools. High toxin value of certain foods and drinks also slow down digestion. There are high chances of piles due to chronic constipation or constipation for long time as one has to exert pressure to pass stools. This further increases inflammation in piles. Therefore it is very necessary to treat indigestion and constipation problem as soon as possible.
One can use Arozyme capsules which are the best ayurvedic constipation relief remedies. These supplements can treat the root cause of constipation problem in a natural manner. Herbal formula of these capsules can improve health of gastric glands also which secrete hydrochloric acid to digest food. These supplements also increase enzyme activities in stomach to ease digestion of food and hence complex foods get broken down easily. These capsules also increase production of bile which eases absorption of fat, cholesterol, nutrients and toxins. Reduction in toxins in turn eases functions of muscles in intestinal walls. This promotes formation of bulky and soft stools. Active ingredients of these capsules can also soften hard stools naturally. This makes it easy for one to pass such stools without any pain and discomfort and hence helps to clear colon.
Active ingredients of Arozyme capsules also improve health of muscles and repair damage in intestinal walls caused due to hard stools. These supplements can also reduce pain and bloating caused due to toxic gas formation. Colon functions get improved too and this helps in easy movement of bowels. Regular use of these ayurvedic constipation relief remedies can keep digestive tract healthy and prevent further chances of indigestion and constipation. Arozyme capsules are loaded with following herbs:
1. Poudina – This herb is also known as peppermint and it provides a natural solution for bloating, stomach ache and constipation. It relaxes muscles in intestinal walls and effectively treats irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Sonth – It is dried ginger powder which has certain therapeutic benefits which help to improve overall health, treat number of illnesses, relieve constipation and cure stomach ache as well as indigestion. It also gives relief from abdominal pain and gas.
3. Hing – It is laxative in nature and therefore relieves gas and flatulence instantly. Anti-inflammatory action of this herb also reduces swelling in intestines and stomach.
4. Ajwain – It contains thymol which eases secretion of gastric juices and thus improves digestion. It prevents acidity, eases digestion of complex foods and instantly relieves flatulence. So, it is used in making these ayurvedic constipation relief remedies.
5. Sanay – It is highly beneficial for treating both acute and chronic constipation.
6. Haritaki – It clears stubborn constipation and purifies digestive system naturally. It acts as a natural laxative and is very helpful in improving digestion.
7. Dikamali – It effectively treats loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal distension and constipation problems.
8. Madhurkshar – It acts as an antacid which gives instant relief from heartburn and excessive production of hydrochloric acid.
Regularly use these ayurvedic constipation relief remedies for 3 to 4 months to get the best results. Increase amount of fiber rich foods in your daily diet and drink plenty of water to keep digestion healthy.